

Enteral feeding refers to the nutritional support method of providing nutrients needed for metabolism and various other nutrients through the gastrointestinal tract. It can provide patients with the daily required protein, lipids, carbohydrates, vitamins, mineral elements, trace elements and Nutrients such as dietary fiber can protect intestinal function and help promote patient recovery. The usage and precautions of the enteral feeding pump are as follows:

1. Cleaning and disinfection: When preparing to give patients enteral feeding, you should carefully check whether the feeding pump is not tightly connected, and the feeding catheter can be flushed with warm water;

2. Selection of nutrient solution: The choice of enteral nutrition is closely related to the type of disease. Some patients need to reduce feces in the intestines. The nutrient solution must not only ensure the nutritional content of the intestines, but also minimize the production of feces. It is recommended to use enteral nutrition with less fiber to promote recovery from the disease. For long-term nasogastric feeding patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, the enteral nutrition solution should contain a large amount of fiber to ensure smooth stool;

3. Application method: Uniform and continuous infusion is the clinically recommended enteral nutrition infusion method, with few gastrointestinal adverse reactions and good nutritional effect. When infusing enteral nutrition solution, the principle of step-by-step should be followed. At the beginning, a low concentration, low dose, and low speed method should be used, and then the concentration and dose of the nutrient solution should be gradually increased, so that the gastrointestinal tract can gradually tolerate the enteral nutrition solution. the process of;

4. Fix the feeding set/tube: After the infusion, turn off the infusion pump, flush the feeding tube with warm boiled water, seal the feeding tube mouth and fix the tube in the appropriate position.

Enteral feeding pumps are more suitable for cancer patients. Cancer patients usually undergo long-term radiotherapy and chemotherapy, and may experience loss of appetite, nausea, and vomiting. They need to supplement nutrition through enteral feeding pump and avoid using bottles with food residues. Nutrient solution. Contraindications to enteral nutrition include complete intestinal obstruction, shock, severe diarrhea, digestive and absorptive dysfunction, acute phase of acute pancreatitis, severe absorptive dysfunction, gastrointestinal bleeding, and enteral nutrition intolerance.

Post time: Mar-26-2024